Sheep along the Mount Cook Road
Photo by Robert Sanson
Many years ago I saw a photo by Gilbert van Reenan from Wnaka of a flock of sheep along the Mount Cook Road, and I dreamed of capturing something similar. My wife and I visited Mount Cook in October of 2020, and as we headed up the valley we came upon this huge flock of about 1300 merinos being driven along the road. I stopped the car, jumped out, grabbed my camera, and managed to get a series of photos as they approached me.
The photo was taken with my Olympus E-M1 MkII camera with the 12-100 mm F4.0 PRO lens. Settings were ISO 400, f5.6, 1/800 s
Robert Sanson - Excio Gallery
A good photo is not taken, rather it is a gift from the Creator.