New Zealand Whitehead (Pōpokotea)
Photo by Robert Sanson
New Zealand Whitehead / Pōpokotea (Mohoua albicilla), a relative of the Mohua (Yellowhead). These birds aren't as rare as the Mohua, but they are certainly not very common. They are vulnerable to predation by stoats and ratsm particularly during nesting season, so only thrive where there is good predator control. They are quite difficult to photograph, as they are constantly on the move in our native forest areas.
This photo was taken with my Olympus E-M1 MkII with the Olympus Zuiko 300 mm f2.8 lens + 1.4 extender. Settings were ISO 1000, f4.0, 1/640s
Robert Sanson - Excio Gallery
A good photo is not taken, rather it is a gift from the Creator.