First Light at Castle Point
It was my first photographic trip to Castle Point on the Wairarapa coast. I wanted to photograph the Lighthouse at first light. I scouted out for a location the evening before. Being a climber, I was able to find a ledge that would give me a good view of the cliffs and the Lighthouse. I set my alarm and got up well before sunrise. I climbed to my ledge in the semi-dark, set my camera up on the tripod and waited for sunrise. As the sun came up over the horizon, it bathed the cliff faces a beautiful orange-red. It was like the Creator God got out His paintbrush, and daubed red all over the cliffs just for me and the lone fisherman out on the point.
The photo was taken with my Olympus E-5 with the 12-60 mm f2.8 - 4.0 lens at 45 mm. Settings were ISO 200, f8.0, 1/40s