A Quick Study (toutouwai)

A Quick Study (toutouwai)

Photo by Judi Lapsley Miller

Under the light of the moon and with a handy lamp, this young toutouwai burns the midnight oil studying hard in a most unusual forest.\nFiercely intelligent, toutouwai can do complicated arithmetic and keeping wowing researchers with their abilities. They truly are quick studies.\nThis picture is part of my Flights of Fancy series - the first to feature a bird other than the kākā.\n10% of the artist's proceeds goes to Zealandia EcoSanctuary to support their conservation efforts.\n​Free shipping worldwide

Judi Lapsley Miller - Excio Gallery
Judi is a fine-art photo artist and wildlife conservationist. She creates art inspired by the stories of birds and the natural world ranging from the real to the surreal.