Fierce guardian
Photo by Peter Laurenson
From the shadows of seven centuries, a Buddhist deity looms out over a broad yak butter lamp, inside the Jokhang, Lhasa, Tibet. The way that the early preachers of Buddhism won over the animist Tibetans involved a stroke of genius - rather than lay down the law, they infused aspects of Bon with Buddhism. Fierce deities like this were adopted from Bon to become part of what is a distinctive Tibetan form of Buddhism. The Jokhang is challenging to photograph due to the wealth of subjects within / Nikon F801S, Fuji Velvia slide film, settings not recorded
Peter Laurenson - Excio Gallery
I’m Peter Laurenson. Born and raised in New Plymouth in New Zealand, the eldest of three boys. I live in Richmond with my partner, with a view directly west to the Arthur Range.